3 comments Monday, 25 February 2008

I've decided to show off my cooking skills (or lack of it) by listing some of the recipes I make. You can find them on the net else where for most of them are not original. But you would miss the most important ingredient in most the recipes - a dollop of my creativity!

The first in the series is the Kiwi Margarita I made recently. I'd be lying if I say it showcases my cooking skill for technically there is no cooking involved in the recipe! But, but, ladies and gents, it does serve a greater purpose - that of waking up the sleeping bartender in me!

Again, I am not going to take credit for the recipe, not because I can't, but because if you don't like it I don't want you coming bawling to me. I tried this recipe, of course adding my own touch (I had to, what do you think!) . So here you go!

Questioning the basics of Kiwi Margaritas

What You Shouldn't have?
Allergy to any of the ingredients listed below

What You Should have?
Kiwi + margarita (duh!)
OK, seriously

  • Kiwis (2-3 medium sized, peeled)
  • 1/3rd cup Tequila Gold (I can make do with silver, bronze, copper etc., but its up2 u)
  • 1/3rd Orange Liqueur
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 1 cup Lemon Juice
  • 2 cups Ice
  • Salt

What You Can also have?

A basic (or severe) liking for any (or all) of the above except kiwis (who likes kiwis anyway?)

When can I make this?

Whenever you want! No really! But below are some of the circumstances you might want to try it

  • When you have a theme party and no one knows what the theme is or no one understands why the other person is dressed up as they are and all you want to do it get drunk. Oh wait, plain tequila would do for such circumstances!
  • When you are alone (Why not?)
  • When you want a secret revealed (here's where you add more tequila than required, but beware, you don't want to add an amount that would kill them, not just yet! You still need the secret out, remember?)
  • Or when you find yourself in the untowardly situation of being left with a lot of kiwis because you didn't eat them because you don't like them and no one who knows you would want to have anything to do with them (and you!)

Will this recipe work for everyone?

The only time the recipe won't work is when you or the person you are making it for doesn't like alcohol! You could test it though and tell me if it did (between you and me, there's someone I want drunk!)

How do I make this?

Simple, put all but one ingredient (salt, you dodo) in the blender and blend with it..errr,,blend it. I had to taste the tequila, orange liqueur before to check if they were OK, you shouldn't do it!

How do I serve this?

In a glass! And here's where you use the salt! Rub it on the rim of the glass (not on your partners wounds).

Can I substitute the glass for a coffee mug?

As far as you know that you are not having coffee, as far as your job doesn't depend on it and as far as you don't care, You Can!

What do I achieve by making and having a Kiwi Margarita?

There are various ways to answer this question. I'll try all of them.

  • Nothing
  • Everything in life doesn't have to be about achieving something
  • What you may (mostly will, if you use my levels of tequila) achieve, which is not nothing, is a state of drunkenness and that state can lead you to write the above recipe! So there you go, having a kiwi margarita can make you a writer!
  • But mainly, you can wake up to morning of not having to see the kiwi lying in your fruit bowl, and voila, you don't even remember consuming them!

Leaving Tip - No No, no one would leave you a tip for this, but I am going to leave you with a tip. Don't defrost your freezer 24 hrs before you decide to make the kiwi. You may not have any ice, you see!

2 comments Thursday, 21 February 2008

Minerva recorded a flight of fancy in her blog a couple of days ago and Asiya decided to let her imagination run wild. Here's the original story. Asiya's version (given below) follows from there.

She was drifting in the super market again. Organic food, fruits, coffee beans, wine -- she kept adding to her stock at home simply coz she just loved shopping. Suddenly he was there in front of her, looking squarely at her bright maroon face. She tried to turn away but it was too late. He then asked awkwardly, "are you taking the bus?"
She journeyed through the last few months of near-encounters at 'the' bus before reflecting on the stupidity of the question. She decided to add her two bits and spluttered what she had wanted to ask forever now: "Are you grecoroman?"
He lurched backwards and steadied himself with a hand on a heavy bottle of malt whiskey. She sighed, the crisp white toga that framed his perfectly chiselled body was safe.
"Yes," he answered, grinning uncertainly. "Glad you noted. So, are you taking the bus?"
She smiled and nodded. She mentally cancelled her plan to take the subway to travel across the city and have beer with a friend. Instead of that boring plan, she will now take the bus, reach home at 630 and spend her Friday evening in happy solitude. Cool.
They met at the counter in five minutes. She allowed him to get ahead in the line and stood facing his back, deep in thought. Their journey towards the bus stop and in the vehicle was marked by sparse but not uneasy chat. The air was tinged with mild amusement and pleasure. She then remarked that his stop was nearing. He stammered a goodbye and moved towards the door.
Within 10 minutes she had reached her destination. She sighed but did not move. The bus lazily pulled out.

7 comments Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The individual commits the crime that the society prepares. Or something like it. That’s my day’s fortune (?!) in Orkut. Beats me too! Oh well, might as well put the line to some use.

Let’s each try to name 5 crimes prepared by society that irritates/angers/frustrates us the most. Feel free to vent out all those pent up emotions. We will not judge you, not just yet :-p

Please leave your answers in the comments section. We will then discuss 'practical' ways of dealing with some of the most commonly bothering crimes in our next post. Go on, avail your chance to change the world!

NB: Please don't be silly, we have copyrights on all such ideas!