Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The individual commits the crime that the society prepares. Or something like it. That’s my day’s fortune (?!) in Orkut. Beats me too! Oh well, might as well put the line to some use.

Let’s each try to name 5 crimes prepared by society that irritates/angers/frustrates us the most. Feel free to vent out all those pent up emotions. We will not judge you, not just yet :-p

Please leave your answers in the comments section. We will then discuss 'practical' ways of dealing with some of the most commonly bothering crimes in our next post. Go on, avail your chance to change the world!

NB: Please don't be silly, we have copyrights on all such ideas!


soulalert said...

Wonder if these crimes listed below are prepared by the society for the individual to commit!However, my most despised crimes in descneding order:

1)Number of women raped everyday
2)Acts of violence due to regionalism - shooing U.P ites and Biharis from Bombay as an example
3)Acts of violence in the name of religion - includes terrorism as well
4)I dont know if this is to be categorized under crime or not, but shunning away dependent ailing parents/newly born kids,female foeticide and so on
5)Easy access to greatly proclaimed temples using VIP passes (I have myself been an accomplice to the crime I would think) while the lesser priveleged would throng at the temples' doors for hours together

Unknown said...

Well, according to me this is one of those quotes that sounds good to read but doesnt make much sense. The usage of the word "prepares" seems weird to see the least. Anyway, the person committing the crime choses to do so on his or her own free will and saying the society prepared him/her is just transfering the responsibility to someone else. Any group of people like a society has majorities and minorities and everyone has to accept that most decisions taken would be in the interest of the majority. If a minority person commits a crime, he/she does so due to an inferiority complex or craving for power, fame etc or jealousy towards someone. Dont think I can agree with the quote at all

Ab said...

society's crimes?
1. the license raj.... okay, they claim to have rid the society of it. but the practitioners still thrive on it... and we blame corrupt govt officials who need money as insurance in case they get injured while using their hands to sign on a paper....

2. overpaid young fella's... (no, i swear i dont have a problem against people who are overpaid..honest!) but when people get paid at obscene rates for work they didnt qualify themselves to do, they are equally willing to squander the excess by paying obscene rates of rent and in malls... (thats what i think is behavioral economics) then the real economics takes over, demand and supply.. and people like us, content with doing less glamourous jobs cant afford most of the stuff.....

3. admissions to KG around th time kids are born - need we find another reason why parents are so competitive about their kids....

ok, ill stop now....
lets see what you think before i go on.....

Minerva said...

Pavithra: some serious crimes there! However, the temple one is an easy crime to solve! I say, we shouldn't be going to them at all..but alas....

Ab: I like the KG one! really...its disgusting to say the least. Though TZP was a super duper hit, do you think parents would have learnt anything from it? Schools would have learnt anything from it? Me being a cynic, don't think so.

Prabhu: As usual!

Minerva said...

List of crimes I despise:

1) Insensitivity (I think its a crime in any circumstance)

Maybe that sums up all the crimes in the world :-p

Ab said...

i would say no..... because their kids arent allowed to have any deficiency their neigbours kids dont have... and anyway, their kids friends are able to top the class, na? so its not like its difficult to be first in class....

i think people need to realise that marks in school never really prove anything... anyway, after 5 years who even remembers how many marks i got in school.... as if it made any difference.......
but then, its again, not about the child, its about someone else's children......

janaki_me said...

ok according to me its criminal to
1. ask someone if they are married and why not if they arent or go on to advise them that they should. People shd be banned from asking such a question.
2. Go on about the joys of having a kid and the great deeeds the kid did a minute ago. Only parents who complain that they did not know what they got themselves into should be allowed to talk about thier children.
3. Make kids recite nursery rhymes, sing, dance and basically make it into an entertainment providing machine every time someone comes to visit.
4. introducing someone formally saying 'this person needs no introduction'.
5. have a curfew time for women's hostels. lock the men, if you have to, i say.
ok, this is for now.

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