Sister: I lost two hours but I saved 200 bucks on this other train.
Asiya: Miser!
Sister: Watch out! The cycle rickshaws (2) are coming in front of you (right-most, fast lane).
Asiya: Shit
Break slammed, rickshaw drivers turn and heave a sigh of relief.
Sister: OH my god, he is coming, he is coming, he is coming!
Asiya and sister's eyes fixed on the rear view mirror, frozen. Rickshaw drivers frozen in their uncomfortable upturned position. Ten seconds later, the death-bike slams into the rear of the car.
Asiya pulls the hand break, can feel her heart sinking. Bikers bounce back from the depths of the road.
Biker1: You don't know how to drive.
Asiya (distressed): The rickshaws were in front of me.
Biker2 (mimicking): The rickshaws were in front of me.
Mother: By god's grace you are safe.
Asiya, biker1, biker2 confused and distracted.
Biker2 (recovering): You don't know how to drive.
Asiya: You were driving too fast. There was enough time for you...
Horns everywhere.
Asiya starts the vehicle. Rickshaw drivers take the cue, start moving.
Biker2: ****
Asiya starts fuming, can hear bikers swearing. She wonders what they have to complain about. Reaches home and finds the number plate smashed and the bumper hanging miserably on one side. Father informs it will take more than 200 bucks to get a new plate up.